Outside the Box – Integrated Resorts (Part 2)

As someone who lives and works in Las Vegas, the home to some of the finest World Class and largest Integrated Resorts in the world I want to devote a couple articles on how to utilize FinishLine above and beyond final punch in an Integrated Resort environment. During the discussion of Integrated Resorts Part 1, I outlined using FinishLine for Conventions and Banquets, along with Housekeeping. I plan to discuss these additional Integrated Resorts topics in the future: Hotel Management, Casino Gaming, Events & Shows, Public Areas, Condos, and Security & Surveillance.

In this blog writing we will discuss other departments of an Integrated Resort that can also utilize FinishLine such as; Capital Improvements, Operations & Maintenance, and Asset Management. Let’s get started on seeing how each department can use the same great app to enhance their team’s business processes and workflows all while saving money and mitigating risk and liability.

Capital Improvements –

Capital Expenditures or Capital Improvements (CapEx) would probably be where most of you would think FinishLine fits for the work it does and you would be correct. A lot of times, CapEx is the group that procures the software, then gets all the areas/parts of the Resort set-up in it and operational and then other groups or Departments in your greater Enterprise work on top of that backend set-up. Whether you are doing a Hotel rooms remodel or a simple F&B turnover, FinishLine has you covered. The greatest thing about FinishLine is how it can track every item from unlimited projects even on unlimited properties.

Start at the highest level of the property, then navigate your way down to a specific venue or even a specific room with a few simple clicks or touches. All the data from the last project is still there but more than likely in a ‘completed’ status. But wouldn’t it be nice to review what your issues were in that space during your planning stages of Architecture and Design? What if you find out before you demo the space that there were main power lines passing from floor to floor built into an architectural feature and you had planned to remove that feature during demo…but maybe you didn’t budget for moving major power lines during this project…you may even determine just like the last project that they are not really movable and your Architect needs to do something unique in that area. CapEx has multiple gained efficiencies in utilizing the software.

It is ideal for the Owner/Operator to procure the software and then require (sometimes contractually) all Project Participants utilize the software during the lifetime of the project. If you procure FinishLine as an Enterprise license you have unlimited users and can onboard everyone you need. In addition, the Enterprise licensing is done on an annual basis so you can also start tracking issues on your project as soon as it begins…or even beforehand in certain circumstances, think Pre-construction Punches. Track these issues up and through final punch and then into turnover with the Operator or end user. Most of the large Integrated Resorts are covered under Federal Retention policies that require you keep this type of information for “Life of the building +7 or 10 years”. With FinishLine you can keep track of all items and issues on the same space indefinitely as all the completed or closed items are never really gone, just hidden from view, based on their status.Operations & Maintenance –

Operations & Maintenance will get the most of FinishLine Software in as much as they will be using the software on top of whatever Capital Improvements had also been done in the software as well. If FinishLine were utilized during a new ground up construction, you would be able to not only see all issues that the builder had during Construction but track General Contractor Warrantee items as well. In addition, track Commissioning information of your major equipment together with the product warrantees as well as any Furniture Fixtures and Equipment that was installed and warrantied too. Using the Asset Management module of FinishLine software, a new ground up construction project can have all the FF&E entered as an asset with vendor information, warrantee and other ancillary data that will save time and money over the years as your FF&E depreciate and break and need replaced.

O&M has two primary utilizations of FinishLine Software in ongoing O&M as well as Preventative maintenance (PM). Your day to day O&M on FinishLine Software is a breeze as items can be entered in a distributed manner from other non-facilities team members or can go to centralized distribution and management personnel. With a built-in ticketing system, resource or Team assignments and due dates, the tool makes it easy to manage your repairs and resources in one simple place. There is even a feature that can notify participants on predetermined intervals once an item has been opened, giving the system an ‘Urgent’ response needed capability. If you run small projects in your O&M department then you will also have the full capabilities that your CapEx or General Construction would have in addition to your day to day operations.

Where FinishLine Software excels is in your Preventative Maintenance and the ability to have built in checklists and/or Standard Operating Procedures. Hotel Room checklists or AHU cleanout checklists really help to ensure all your staff are performing via SOP and the most optimal means necessary. Each line item of a checklist can be tracked individually so if you are unable to complete your checklist you have complete visibility to that item until its closed. Maybe that item does not need to be closed before putting the room back in inventory, but you still need to ensure it gets done at some point in time. Also utilize QR codes wherever possible from the actual room itself or on FF&E.

FinishLine can help you save time and money by simply scanning a QR code for data entry vs having to type all that manufacturer data. Th data can even be imported during original build or install and have a QR code created for it on the fly for future use. If you decide to incorporate consumables or material procurement in the checklists or standard punch items that information can not only be tracked but reported on. Imagine being able to export out an excel spreadsheet with all he materials needed, consolidated in one place….from there your analysis could help you to understand what it takes you to maintain the facility from year to year and pre or bulk purchase those items for an even greater savings. The sky is the limit when it comes to Operations and Maintenance scenarios and utilizations.Asset Management –

FinishLine’s Asset Management module compliments the basic software by adding a robust Asset Management Database and reporting tool right in the same interface. Asset data can be entered into the system at any time and an asset in the system also gives you quick access to creating a trouble ticket for that item as well. You will be able to assign and track the asset issue from issuance to completion regardless of whom it needs to be assigned to complete. Ideally, during new construction, simply import your procurement list of FF&E items in excel format and utilize all the information you need in your asset database without having to type it in.

Track every asset in your Integrated Resort from start to finish, total quantities, locations, costs, vendor and warrantee information. Having this information at your fingertips makes many time-consuming tasks as easy as running a report. Want to find out what warrantees are going to expire soon, well it’s a canned report. Want to identify how many particular items you have in the Resort, that’s a simple report too. Do you need to be able to create trouble tickets on an item like a Wayfinding digital signage, it’s a single click to do so? Help us to build in the AI that determines default trouble ticket information and assignment to internal staff or external vendors easily. With FinishLines Software’s Asset management Module, your Data Analytics becomes meaningful and near real time.

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